Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Coloring the Easter Eggs 4-9-09

An annual tradition: coloring the Easter eggs. In our household of 4 kids, it takes less than 20 minutes to color 24 eggs. If you blink, you'll miss it and someone will color your egg. The kids LOVE it, especially Jack, who asks me incessantly for weeks leading up to Easter, if it is time to color the eggs.

Finally, we got to color the eggs. Don't blink, or you'll miss it.


And off they go!

Colette stayed surprisingly clean despite her "dive bomb" method of putting the eggs in the dye.

Josie, well, she just loves this kind of stuff

Vanessa--on her 9th year of egg coloring still can't get enough.

Colette and Jack clearly cannot hold their excitment back.

Did you blink?
Voila! Behold the eggs almost too pretty to eat.

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