Sunday, September 30, 2007

Ode to the Belly

For these pictures, I had to give up control of the camera to Mike. I think he did a pretty darn good job despite his frantic style and lack of patience with the kids.

While I am so excited to have this baby, there will be some sense of loss for me since I know this will be my last one. So I must give tribute to the belly that has given me so much pain and discomfort over these last 9 months and at the same time given me hope, love and the amazing miracle that is pregnancy and soon to be child birth. This--the same belly that has given me (almost) 4 beautiful children whom I love more profoundly than life itself.

Here is my ode to the belly:

Momma the Amature Photographer: The Kids

Mom the Amature Photographer: Josie's Portraits

As you all know, I have always loved taking pictures. It's my hobby and I love doing it. I recently decided that I don't need to go to the expensive photo studios any more (especially because now, I have so many kids) and I invested a little into some professional lights and equipment. I think it will pay for itself after all the photos we we will take this 2nd 1/2 of the year!

Here are the results of Josie's 18 month portraits:

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Top 10 "Bad Ideas" Days Before Giving Birth

I am in the final days before giving birth and the anticipation is killing me. In my efforts to try to find humor in waiting for baby to come and amongst my incredibly uncomfortable days, I have written the Top 10 Surprising “Bad Ideas” Days Before Giving Birth for your reading pleasure.

10. Whenever any friend or stranger asks “when is your baby due?” (for what seems like the bazillionth time) say: “Baby? I’m NOT pregnant!”

9. Doing “human log rolls” down a grassy hill with your other 3 kids.

8. Walking into Victoria’s Secret and telling the sales lady you are looking for some sexy thong underwear.

7. Texting your entire family “911” then following up with “psyche!”

6. Walk in a crowd of people with a water balloon hidden between your legs, smashing it in front of everyone and hold your belly and go “ooops!”

5. Jumping jacks

4. Make your first attempt ever in forming into a human pretzel.

3. Call everyone in your family every few hours “just to talk”

2. Cart wheels

1. Wake your husband in the middle of the night and say: “It’s time…(dramatic pause) … for a run for the boarder!” (Taco Bell)

Sunday, September 16, 2007

My Hubby Turns 35!

Rejoice! Mike and I are both the same age until November 30th! My beloved husband turns 35 this week (Sept 19th) and we had an early celebration at Grandmom's & Pop's Condo to celebrate the event. I didn't get many pictures, especially of everyone who was there: Grandmom & Pop, Bern & Shawn, Eileen & Declan, and, of course, Mike, the kids, and my preggoness. Grandmom made a feast for diabetic kings and queens--high in protein, low in carbs! Delicious! Eileen & Declan made a fantastic cake that I did not have the pleasure of tasting, but everyone seemed to enjoy it--most importantly, Mike.

Pop told us that he was also 35 when he had his 4th child--bizzare enough--that was Mike! Like father, like son...

Happy Birthday to the father of my children, my best friend for the last 16 years, and the love of my life. I love you to the moon and back...

Josie & Mike
B&S Present: Gnome & Garden :)

Josie and her best "Cheese!" Kids & Mike
Mike and his yellow roses cake--proudly decorated by DC
Make a wish!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Look Out Mia! Our Vanessa Scored 3 Goals!

Vanessa has been playing soccer for 2 years (4 seasons, spring/fall, spring fall) of the 4 seasons, she's been with the same team and coach for 3. This year, her team moved up from the Vancouver Parks and Rec to the more competitive Orchards Soccer Club. A move we weren't necessarily confident she was ready for, but we wanted her to remain with her team and coach, so we followed them there. What a fantastic move! Her team name is the Fireballs.

Today was Vanessa's first game of the fall season and she WAS ON FIRE! She not only scored the first and last goal of the game, but she also scored one in between! We are so proud of her and her determination to stay with the game even when she wasn't scoring.

Soccer was always 100% her doing--she asked me to do it and every season she was always up for playing, rain or shine--never one complaint. So after 2 years of schleping us to the games, even in torrential downpours, it looks like our little Vanessa has found her groove and we're going along for the ride for as long as she keeps going!

Team check
Going for the goal

Here she comes!

St. Joe's Sausage Fest 2007

Believe it or not, it was time for the annual St. Joseph's Parish Sausage Fest! Last night, Grandmom & Pop, Aunt Eileen, Declan & Ei's friend, Evelyn, Aunt Bern & Uncle Shawn and the whole lot of us when to Vanessa's annual school Sausage Fest. Fun was had by all! We filled our tummies with Sausages, Elephant Ears, Sweet Treats, Bier (well, Pop & Evelyn) and some baked spuds before heading towards the rides. This year, all the kids were especially adventurous--Vanessa has always LOVED riding the rides, but this year, both Jack and Declan went on some really scary rides! We are proud of all of them for having the guts (and for not spilling them) to ride the rides!

Ei & DC on the Ferris Wheel

Mike & Jack

Vanessa & Grandmom
Next Up: The "Hot Air" Balloon Ride.

Here's Mike & Josie (She hated it.)

Vanessa & classmate, Michaela
Pop took the boys on the balloon ride.

Crazy Bus Ride:

Ei, Vanessa & DC rode together.

In front of them, was Mike & Jack

G-Mom, Ei & Evelyn

Mike & Josie Jack & Uncle Shawn Ei & DC on the "Scream Machine"
Pop & Jack on the "Scream Machine" (4th car)
Pop expressing how much he loves this ride.

Vanessa with classmate, Michaela

Mike & the Girls on the Octopus Ride
Ei & the Boys on the Octopus
Vanessa on the Tilt-a-whirl (hurl)
Aunt Bern on the Super Slide
Mike & Jack taking one last slide on the Super Slide

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

This is a test!

So here is our short story on how our little #4 came to be. I am trying to test the video feature on my blog in preparation of announcing the arrival of #4. Hopefully, if I can figure this out, we'll be able to send video to you within hours of baby being born. After all, the hospital provides free wi-fi access in the Family Birthing Center! (You gotta love technology.)


Jack's 1st Day of Kindergarten

So Vanessa started school last week in the 3rd grade! It's hard to believe how fast time is flying with the kids, but it is...

Jack's first day of Kindergarten was today--he'll be in "regular" school, but in a special education class that will eventually have him integrated into typically-developing kindergarten. Jack has 2 teachers and 1 support person this year. Since Jack has been going to school since he was 2 years old, it wasn't quite as tearful as when I put Vanessa on the bus the first day of kindergarten, but my heart is still in my stomach as I worry about Jack in his new school with new teachers and the first time with "regular" kids. Jack has surprised me many times before and I know that he will continue to do so, but he's my boy and, well, I'm his worry-wart Mommy. Wish Jack luck this year! Hopefully, in a year or two he'll join Vanessa at St. Joe's... and then I won't have to worry as much.

Just before Vanessa left for school.

Waiting for the bus!

Josie had to get in on the school action with her backpack.

Here's Jack on the "short bus" :)