Sunday, December 21, 2008

December 6, 2008: St. Nick Brunch

The Christian Mother's Fellowship Ministry that I belong to at St. Joseph Church puts on a Brunch with St. Nick every year.

I know you have no doubt that Jack exists, but here's an actual picture of Jack just before Santa showed up at the St. Nicholas brunch. So no picture of Jack with Santa, but here's a picture of Jack and me by the fireplace.

My immediate family knows the story, but in case you forgot, here's what transpired after this picture was taken.

So, here you have text book example of why NOT to take your kids to take a picture with Santa after they turn 1 year old. My Christian’s Mom’s group put on Brunch with St. Nick that wonderfully fell on St. Nicholas’ day! Brunch was great, but Jack saw through the window as Santa was walking into the building and, once again, just TOOK OFF. He ran and ran and ran without abandon and without any concern that he was running away from his family and caretakers. If Mike would not have followed him, I am POSTIVE he would be in Canada by now.

As you can see, I attempted to salvage the moment and get a picture with our girls with Santa. Vanessa, of course, wanted to partake, but here, it appears that Josie is looking as though the boogie man has cometh and he is about to eat her toes and Colette is following suit. The look on my face is in reaction to the comedic ridiculousness of it all—my son running to Canada with Mike in hot pursuit, my 2 youngest daughters clinging to me with dear life and literally trying to crawl back into my uterus via the neck opening in my turtleneck sweater and the photographer telling us to “smile”. Truly, a scene out of National Lampoons Christmas Vacation.
Regardless, I hope you enjoy the photo that I painstakingly and mistakenly attempted to preserve for my kids “benefit”.

Copyright: Deb Garrett Photo of 1Studio Photography
(Posted with permission)

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