Friday, June 20, 2008

San Diego at Last! (Road trip day 2 & 3)

We made it! The second day of driving went amazing well. The kids literally slept what seemed like the entire way. I was the lucky one to drive us through LA--can I just say that LA is HUGE? It took us about 2 hours to drive through the LA metro area and we were not stuck in traffic. That city is just GIANORMOUS. I have never been to LA and if we weren't trying to get to SD, I would have loved a chance to explore the sites. I kept looking to the sides to see if I could get a "star sighting" I tried especially hard to look at Range Rovers and Suburbans with dark tinted windows. No star sightings. Darn.

Anyway, we made it to San Diego just before 5PM and we were so happy to get there! Here are pictures just after our arrival.

Here is our new baby nephew, Alex, Josie and Colette getting to know each other.

Big cousin, Vanessa, bonding with the A-man

Here's Sassy and Fletcher saying hello.

We took it easy the rest of the evening off to settle into our guest condo and take a quick dip in the pool. The kids passed out dreaming of the next day at the pool...

Day 3:

Everyone was up bright and early! After a nice breakfast, we headed down to the pool at about 10 AM and spent the next FOUR hours there!

Here's Aunt Kris, Alex & Colette
Baby Alex and his swim "pants" SOOOO CUTE!!

Sorry, the pool pictures are overexposed, but its pretty darn sunny here and we LOVE it! We all need some vitamin D!!! Be ware of our pasty white, Pacific NW skin! You may need to wear your sunglasses.

Jo, Mike & Colette

Vanessa our resident swimmer.

Jack-man enjoying the "Strawberry Shortcake" innertube

Colette crusin' in the SS Baby

Uncle Mike and Colette taking in some sunshine
Josie avoiding the limelight. She wasn't too big on getting in the pool, but she enjoyed dipping her feet in and throwing the pool toys in the pool.

After the pool all the kids took a monster nap and gave us some quiet time which was nice. After our naps we headed over to Aunt Kris and Uncle Mike's for a very nice summer dinner.

Colette Baby

Josie showing off her new sundress
Fletcher feasting on the bone he got from Sassy
Me with Sweet Alex
Alex showing off his pouty lip and making me look like a bad Aunt

Josie and Aunt Kris giving each other lots of cuddles

Tommorow we head to the San Diego Zoo! There should be lots and lots of pictures from our day at the zoo. Off to bed for some well deserved rest...

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