Saturday, June 21, 2008

San Diego Zoo (Road Trip day 4)

Here is a sweet moment: Jack and Vanessa woke up this morning and immediately started planning their day at the San Diego Zoo on the map that Aunt Kris gave them. They spent about 20 minutes looking at the zoo map and the animals they will be able to see at the zoo. Vanessa read ever square inch of the map including the show times and specials you could buy!
So we started the day out at the Zoo. Aside from the tempature in San Diego being an unseasonable and unusualy sweltering 97 degrees, the day was beautiful. We rented a double stroller and got our bang for our buck. It fit 3 out of 4 kids!

Colette being the DIVA that she is, got her own ride and rolled in our single stroller.
Alex, of course, had the luxurious stroller and napped the entire day as we strolled along the zoo. What a sweet baby boy!
We saw koalas...

And camels...

And polar bears (I would have taken a picture of the polar bears playing the water, but I couldn't get a good shot because there were so many people.)

Josie squeezed in on the second level and was able to see the polar bears. Here she is coming down...

Here's Uncle Mike & Aunt Kris with the flamingos...

Uncle Mike & Aunt Kris had to leave to go to a baby shower, so we headed off to enjoy lunch at Albert's Restaurant high in the treehouse. It was a delightful, sit down restaurant that was AIR CONDITIONED. Even better, the kids behaved BEAUTIFULLY. We rarely go out to eat anymore because of the sheer cost to feed our brood, but all 4 of them were model children. It was one of those meals out that you sit back and just pat yourself on the back for being a good parent. Definitely, a shinning moment for Mike and I and a memory we will savor and cherish.

Take a look at the hippos! Smart, too! They were underwater where it was nice and cool!

At about 2 PM, the kids were done with the heat and couldn't wait to get back to jump in the pool (neither could we!)
A great day at the San Diego Zoo!

Tomorrow is a "rest" day, so we may just meander down to the beach or Balboa Park and have a picnic lunch and take a few shots.

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