Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Road Trip to San Diego

Hold on now! Vanessa is turning NINE! Yes, 9. Not only that, she is now a 4th grader. Ok, let's all pick our jaws up off the floor and wipe the tears from our eyes. It's official. She's growing up--fast--and there is nothing, and I mean nothing, I can do about it.

As a promise to her for her birthday, we told her we'd take her to San Diego to visit her Aunt Kris, Uncle Mike and her new cousin baby Alex. So we celebrated Father's Day, Aunt Eileen's Birthday and her birthday this past Sunday. On her "real" birthday, we'll be at Seaworld!

So here I am the night before embarking on a marathon road trip to San Diego with 4 kids and a dog in tow and I'm blogging just to make sure that the blog is ready to go.

I am insane and now I need to finish packing so that's it for now. Tune in frequently as you know how I love to update the blog while we travel. We can even surf the internet while in the car thanks to my handy dandy Verizon Wireless god.

Say a prayer for a safe trip for us--it should be a blast.

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