Thursday, April 10, 2008

Cannon Beach Getaway

Last weekend, we took some time out and went to Cannon Beach on the Oregon Coast. It's under 2 hours away, but a world away from our busy suburban lives. Aunt Bern and Uncle Shawn took a break and came with us for some Q.T. with the kids. We rented a modest vacation home just north of the supercute downtown area.

Rainy Saturday
Saturday couldn't have been wetter, but we ventured out to the beach anyway. The kids loved sloshing around in the rain. They don't seem to care if they are cold and wet. Amazing!

Sassy got comfortable with Mike.

Josie & Uncle Shawn killed some time during the rain to do some much needed computer work.

Sunny Sunday at the Rock
Sunday's weather cooperated with us a lot more by granting us many sun breaks. As it always is at the Oregon coast, it was windy making it seem much colder than it really is. This time we ventured closer to Cannon Beach's most popular landmark, Haystack Rock.
I have to share this story about Mike. We were staring at the rock and he [seriously] said: "I wonder why they call it 'Haystack Rock'". I love you, Honey, but REALLY? We all got a chuckle out of that one.

The quintesential self-portrait. My sister and I are experts. Note the perfect placement of Haystack Rock.
We LOVED the trip even though the weather was only 50/50 for us. We can't wait to go back!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

My favorite biccle ride while growing up was out Sunset Highway to the beach. A long weekend was just perfect out there alone. Now I see Cannon Beach as pretty populated, but there's plenty of private beach you can reach at low tide by wading north around the point.