Sunday, January 04, 2009

White Christmas

So here we are January 4th and its time for me to play catch up again. Where do I start? Oh yeah, the RECORD BREAKING SNOW that KGW dubbed the "Arctic Blast" for 2 solid weeks that we endured. Now, being the native-Chicagoian/Montanan that I am, this is not a big deal for me. But when it occurs in an area that rarely receives measurable snowfall annually and owns, mmmm...3 snow plows...coupled with a good majority of inexperienced snow-drivers, it really makes for a nasty mess. The main street in East Vancouver never got plowed, nevermind the side streets. When you're dealing with 5-14 inches of snow, this is a big deal and a big inconvenience. So you'd think I would have lots and lots of time to blog? Not so. My kids school got cancelled before the snow actually fell and when the snow did finally fall, Jack's school decided to be heroes and made the kids go to school.

All in all, it made for an interesting experience, but more importantly, a very, very White Christmas--a rare occurance in this part of the Pacific NW.

Sassy in the snow

More snow

Latte admiring the snow
Christmas Eve at Grandmom's and Pop's
It is our annual tradition to spend Christmas Eve at Grandmom & Pop's at their condo on the river. Grandmom cooks up a traditional Italian seafood dinner of some sort. The kids open stocking gifts and the adults get to do their white elephant exchange. It was a "game day" decision whether we would make it to G & P's this year due to the massive amounts of snow and ice, but never fear, it warmed up just enough to melt snow on the roads making it a little less trecherous to drive from the 'Couve to Portland. Thank goodnes, Christmas was not ruined by snow!

Our annual picture of the kids, with cousin, Declan, and our newest family member, Sassy




Vanessa opening her stocking gifts from G & P

Josie excited to open her stocking gifts!

Colette goes right for the food--thanks, Grandmom for the healthy choice!

Jack opening gifts

Eileen giving DC a hand with his stocking goodies
Colette recently started posing for my pictures. Here's her "cheese" smile for Mommy!

And the fam plus Evelyn, our adoptee family for the holiday

White elephant gifts this year included mop slippers, Christmas tree fondue set, Patron St. of Hangovers figurine & prayer card, Verizon Wireless skull cap, potato clock, $ bling necklace, and a leg lamp thingy.
Christmas Day
The stockings were hung by the chimney (well, gas fireplace) with care...

Colette's now *signature* pose
Vanessa's king of all karaoke machines
(Gotta love those credit card reward points)

Jack opening Sassy's gift from him to her

I'm going to take a wild guess, Sassy LOVED her bone, so much so that there is none of it left.

Josie Jo

And me.

Mike got a few treats too

Jack REALLY wanted this toy that he saw in a catalog

It makes a horrendous, continuous, unncecessary squeeking noise. Jack LOVES to watch it for hours and hours and hours...

Round 2: Gifts with Grandmom & Pop, Aunt Eileen & Declan and an added bonus due to weather: Aunt Bern, Uncle Shawn & Judy! (Who are usually with my parents in Montana at Christmas)
Colette baby with her loot

Sassy saying hello to Judy

G&P got a nice electronics charger for all of Mom's *toys*

Josie in the surprising hit, her chef's hat and apron

She wears it every day and *helps* me in the kitchen

Here's Vanessa modeling the $ necklace I scored at the white elephant exchange. I hope that it is a sign of the times to come in 2009 for us :)

Merry Christmas to all!

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Ok, you have what appears to be a storybook family! Your children are just SOOO cute! (My vote for favorite photo is of Josie in her chef's garb at the sink ... great shot!) Glad to hear that you all had a warm and family filled holiday!