Sunday, October 05, 2008

Jack's Curriculum Night

Jack's school has an open house they call "Curriculum Night" every year where parents come in and the teacher talks to the parents about what the kids are learning that year and about how their classroom runs. The kids then get to show the parents around their classroom and show them all the projects they have worked on since the beginning of the school year.

Jack did wonderfully and was very proud to show me all his work. One of the neat things Jack's 1st grade class is studying is insects. They have all sorts of "pet" insects, including catapillars (now in cacoons), ladybugs and they each get their own "meal worms". Each of the kids got to name their meal worm and Jack named his meal worm "Bob". I thought it was fitting even though I could not see Bob in his cornmeal-filled home, but I assume the name suits him well. Jack was very proud to take a picture with his meal worm.

Jack has adjusted to going to school full days, eating lunch at school, and his new teachers and classmates. While he still has many challenges, he is improving every day. We have great hopes for him this year--I think he is surrounded by people who truly care for him. I thank God every day for bringing Jack's aids and teachers into his life and for helping create the "village" it takes to raise him.

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