Thursday, July 31, 2008

4th of July at Grandmom & Pop's

Yes, I know, I haven't blogged for over a month. So I am doing a marathon post on what we've been doing for the last month. I'll start with July 4th. Grandmom and Pop's condo sits right on the Columbia River facing Fort Vancouver where the big fireworks go off. The barge literally parks right in front of their condo on the river and we have a better view than those at the Fort.

This is an annual tradition, but a long day for all. We skipped last year and spent the 4th in Big Fork, Montana. So we're back at it again at G & P's with all the strangers that have discovered this secret area to watch the fireworks.

It was a nice crowd this year, so well worth the wait. We even took some time and went swimming in the pool and played on the lawn for a bit, too. Joining us was Aunt Eileen and Declan, Eileen's friends, Evelyn and Kathy. I didn't get too many pictures, but here's what I got.

Sassy didn't like the fireworks, but we had her stay outside and hold a down stay to help her at least desensitize herself to the loud, LOUD booms. She's ok and I'm sure she'll be fine next year. Not her first choice of activities, but she'll be ok.

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