Sunday, March 23, 2008

Spring Soccer Season has begun! (GO FIREBALLLLSSSSS!!!!!)

Vanessa's spring outdoor soccer season has begun! This is the 5th outdoor season she has plyed with this team/coaches and we LOVE THEM! (Shout out to Feike & Justin!!!) The girls are great, the coaches are FANTASTIC, and as an added bonus, the families of the girls are GREAT, too! (Shout out to the Postmas, Donathans, Millers, Nebels, Burres, Craigs, Davis, and Watsons!!!)

They just wrapped up 2 indoor seasons with the same team (some new girls there, but are not on the outdoor team) in which they played some great soccer! Not only was it exciting because the ball was always in play, but it was dry and comfortable for the parents!

Alas, the rainy season is back in the Pacific Northwest, so that means it's soccer time! We've got our rain gear ready (though I determined that I need some good mud boots) and we are fired up are and ready to go. Vanessa's team is called the "Fireballs"!

These pictures are from the girls' first game (pictures courtesy of Bob Davis--THANKS, BOB, you ROCK!), but the great news is from her second game. Vanessa scored 2 goals this weekend!!!! (Not that we're keeping score or that we're teaching her that its all about scoring...) Vanessa's game has improved greatly and the best part of it all is that it is 100% coming from her! (Believe me, I would not stand out in the pouring, cold rain if she didn't want to be there.)

She also did a "trial run" of tryouts for the "select" and "premier" soccer league in Vancover. She did great and we're looking forward to that when it is time (though I can't be too disappointed right now since it costs a lot more and involves travel). However, if she decides that this is what she wants to do, we'll support her 150%.

For now, we are just basking in the glow of her first 2 goals of the spring season! :)


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