Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Our Little Vanessa Turns 8!

We can't believe it, but its been 8 years since our first baby was born! Our lives were changed forever that day, June 23, 1999, the day we became parents. Now, we can't imagine life without each one of our 3 kids...funny how life goes by so fast and how much children completely change you as a human being, inside and out.

Vanessa had 2 celebrations, which we celebrated on her birthday: The first a party of just school-friends, plus cousins, Emma & Mollie Kuffner. The second, of just immediate family: Mom, Dad, Jack, Vanessa, Josie, Aunt Bern & Uncle Shawn, Aunt Eileen & Declan, and finally Grandmom & Pop. A tiring, but really fun day. Both parties were luau themed, so there were leis, grass skirts, and all sorts of Hawaiian stuff on everyone all day. The weather turned out beautiful and even warm enough to turn on the sprinkler toys.

Party #1
(School Friends, plus Cousins Emma & Mollie, Jack & Josie)
Mom & Dad's gift to V: A Disney digital camera!
1st Group to Arrive
Josie-Hula Girl
Craft Time!
Swinging Hulas
Bounce house action
Why do we photograph cakes? Because they are so darned cute!
Happy Birthday to you...
Make a wish!

Limbo sprinkler action. Check out those bikini-clad babes!
Present time!

Party #2: Family Time
Aunt Bern & Uncle Shawn
Mom & Josie Mom & Vanessa
Round 2 of presentsI love my new bean bag! (Thanks, Aunt Ei & DC!)
Pop & Jack
More presents!
Aunt Ei, DC & Grandmom
Josie & Dad
Cake #2: Homemade & Re-used cake decorations :)
Happy Birthday to you (again)... Make (another) wish!
Josie loves cake!Eight.

Vanessa received about $44 in birthday money for her birthday. She decided to get her ears pierced! Big girl picked out one of her birthstones that is pink in color. She didn't even cry or bleed! What a trooper! She LOVES her new pierced ears!

Happy Birthday, Baby. We love you to the moon and back.

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